The more heat that comes on where I live, the worse I feel. It’s going to be close to 90 degrees this weekend, and today I was dragging my feet walking to class.

For the past 2 weeks I have missed a ton of class and I’ve been waking up to the world spinning around me.

I have to admit it’s not all my POTs’ fault though.. I am to blame for some of it as well.

I’m extremely sensitive to my anxiety medication. Even an increment of 10mgs of it hits me hard. So me being stupid decided to stop taking it for a week. For that whole week I moped around the house feeling depressed and off. It wasn’t until I started having my panic attacks again that I decided that maybe, just maybe, I should go back on my medicine. (Duh, Jenna…).

I went back on it. But instead of slowly going back on, I immediately took the 100mgs that had taken me over a month to adapt to before. The next day I felt like everything was in slow motion and I was dizzy and nauseous.

It wasn’t until a few days ago that all of those symptoms subsided.

So if you can imagine my normal POTs symptoms, mixed with this.. Well let’s just say I was not a happy camper!

Anyway, I never ever drive when my symptoms come on. Especially when the double vision takes over. So my mom has been driving me to school and home. It makes me feel bad when I don’t feel well enough to drive and she has to take time out of her day to drive me.

In other news, I took the SATS on Saturday. I chose a different school this time to test at and thankfully it didn’t require me to stand in line for nearly as long! Afterwards I felt mentally and physically exhausted. I’m still feeling it, actually. Let’s cross our fingers that this is the last time I have to take it! I find out my scores in 2 weeks.

I also find out in two weeks if I made it into the college that I want so badly to get into. I’m afraid that all the days absent I’ve had because of my POTs has affected my grades in a way that they would reject me…

I guess I’ll just hope for the best!

Btw, do you guys feel worse in the morning or at another time of the day? I’m starting to dread waking up just to feel like I’m floating!

Love you all,
Jenna 🙂

3 thoughts on “

  1. I’m sure your Mom loves being able to do something to help you since there really nothing that she can do to get rid of POTS. I feel like a big blob of nothing and “blah” in the morning until I get my meds in me. I lay for about an hour after I take my beta blocker, Midodrine, Wellbutrin, Adderall, and giant cup of tomato juice (for the salt) before I feel human. After being awake 6-9 hours depending on if its a good day or not, I feel terrible.

    • You’re probably right.. my mom is the most caring, supportive, wonderful mother I could ever ask for. Sorry to hear about your “blah” mornings, it’s no fun having to lay in bed for so long just to feel well enough to get going on your day! Tomato juice is a good idea…I’ll have to try it out! And I know what you mean about being awake for so long. Being tired seems to be magnified x1000.

  2. First, I really feel for you about the hot weather! I have MAJOR heat intolerance issues, so I can’t imagine how tough this must be.

    And I am super…SUPER impressed that you took the SATs! That would have exhausted anyone!! Good luck on the scores AND your admission…fingers crossed 🙂

    It’s funny, I’m one of the few that actually feels better in the morning…but come late afternoon, I’m usually feeling pretty poorly.

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